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ECHO YOUTH meets Wednesdays at 6:30PM here at SCC.


 At Echo Youth we enjoy fun, games, worship and good teaching.  


For more ECHO during the week, listen or subscribe to the Echo Youth Podcast

(released every Thursday) for an at-home Bible study and lots of fun.

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Click above to listen online, or use the buttons to subscribe.

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Load up on your favorite echo youth gear!




At ECHO our mission is to help students fall in love with Jesus.

We do this through fun, worship, biblical messages, small groups, and special events. At ECHO we provide a safe, supervised, and fun environment for every student to grow in their faith. 


ECHO Youth meets every Wednesday night at 7pm. Meetings are in the Main Worship Center. Each service is designed for students in junior high and high school.

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ECHO JHigh is designed for students in grades 6-8, and meets together during our 10:00 Sunday service. Grades 6-8 are also welcome to join ECHO Youth on Wednesday Evenings.


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At ECHO, we do our best to make things easier for parents. Below is a downloadable release form for all the events we do each year. You only need to complete this form once, and we’ll keep it on file.

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